NEW – What Is to Be Done About Violence Against Women?
This book maps the problems and possibilities of the policies and practices designed to tackle violence against women in the domestic sphere over the last 40 years. It asks the simple yet critical question: how can governments best ensure women’s safety in the twenty-first century?
NEW – Children of Coercive Control
Children of Coercive Control extends Evan Stark’s path breaking analysis of interpersonal violence to children, showing that coercive control is the most important cause and context of child abuse and child homicide outside a war zone. ISBN:9780197587096
NEW – The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help
An honest, intellectually rigorous and insightful book for abused women that challenges readers to truly engage in a political discourse that can change lives, communities and nations. ISBN:9781402204012
NEW – The Gift of Fear
In this empowering book, Gavin de Becker, the man Oprah Winfrey calls the US’s leading expert on violent behaviour, reveals how to identify even the most subtle signs of danger—signs often overlooked by others—before it’s too late. ISBN:9780747538356
NEW – LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence: Lessons for Policy, Practice and Research
This is the first book that systematically reviews the literature regarding LGBTQ intimate partner violence, draws key lessons for current practice and policy, and recommends research areas and enhanced methodologies. ISBN:9780520352346
NEW – Truth and Repair: How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice
Renowned trauma expert Judith L. Herman commits the radical act of listening to survivors. Recounting their stories, she offers an alternative vision of justice as healing for survivors and their communities. ISBN: 9781529395020
Stop Blaming Mothers and Ignoring Fathers
In this transformative book for professionals and survivors, David Mandel challenges the six main myths of mother-blaming and father-ignoring culture and provides simple, practical solutions and strategies to improve interventions. ISBN:781735164533
Coercive Control in Children’s and Mothers’ Lives
Drawing on interviews, the author, Dr Emma Katz, sheds light on the impacts of coercive control on children, how it is perpetrators who must be held accountable for those impacts, and how resistance by children and mothers occurs. ISBN:9780367615437
Social Work and Domestic Violence: Developing Critical And Reflective Practice
Domestic violence affects all areas of social work. This book shows how social workers can intervene in everyday practice with victims, their families and perpetrators of domestic abuse. ISBN:9781412919234
Coercive Control – How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life (Interpersonal Violence)
One of the most important books ever written on domestic violence, Coercive Control breaks through entrenched views of physical abuse that have ultimately failed to protect women. ISBN:9780195384048
In Control: Dangerous Relationships and How They End in Murder
World-renowned criminologist Jane Monckton Smith’s ground breaking work is revolutionising the understanding of coercive control and domestic homicide among those who respond to it. Monckton Smith shares a glimpse into a world of coercive control. ISBN:9781526613219, 9781526613226
Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship
Lisa Aronson Fontes draws on both professional expertise and personal experience to help us recognise controlling behaviours of all kinds and understand why this destructive pattern occurs. ISBN:9781462520244
A Typology of Domestic Violence
Johnson explores the different types of intimate partner violence and whether it can be defined as a “unitary phenomenon” or whether there are multiple forms of domestic violence. This volume begins the work of theorizing forms of domestic violence. ISBN:9781555536947
See What You Made Me Do
Jess Hill boldly confronts uncomfortable questions about how and why society creates abusers, and shows how we can end this dark cycle of fear and control. It will challenge everything you thought you knew about domestic abuse. ISBN:9781787388260 / 9781787383685
Stopping Gender-based Violence in Higher Education
Stopping Gender-based Violence in Higher Education provides a unique insight into how gender-based violence at universities is impacting students and staff and suggests prevention strategies to deal with this issue. ISBN:9781032172477
The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse
This book makes an important contribution to the international understanding of domestic violence and shares the latest knowledge of what causes and sustains domestic violence between intimate partners. ISBN:9780367686253
Trauma and Recovery : The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
Hailed as ground-breaking work, Herman draws on cutting-edge research in domestic violence to show the parallels between private terrors such as rape and public traumas such as terrorism. ISBN:9780465087303, 9781541602953
Brutally Honest – The tell-all memoir from the loudest, proudest Spice Girl
Brutally Honest is an expose of the struggles and acute pain that lay behind Spice Girl, Melanie Brown’s glamour and success. The book reveals the horror of her most recent marriage and her 10 year struggle to be free. ISBN:9781787133525, 9781787133556
Domestic Abuse, Homicide and Gender: Strategies for Policy and Practice
This book argues for a re-conceptualisation of the female victim to enhance safety management and encourage a deeper understanding of the emotional dynamics and social structures which perpetuate violence. ISBN:9781137307422
Living With The Dominator: A book about the Freedom programme
This book explains violent and abusive behaviour and places it in a social context. It can help readers of any age and sexual orientation to change their own behaviour and to recognise when they are being controlled. ISBN:9780955882708
Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
The author, a counsellor who specialises in working with abusive men, describes ways to help women recognise when they are being controlled or devalued, and to find ways to get free of an abusive relationship ISBN:9780425191651
Operation Lighthouse: Reflections on our Family’s Devastating Story of Coercive Control and Domestic Homicide
On 19 July 2016, Claire and Charlotte Hart were murdered in broad daylight, by the family’s father. Luke and Ryan Hart, the two surviving sons, open up about their experiences growing up. ISBN:9781841883397
Remembered Forever: Our family’s devastating story of domestic abuse and murder
A shocking story about living under the terror of coercive control told by the family’s two surviving sons, Luke and Ryan Hart, which brings deeper understanding to the shocking crime of domestic abuse and homicide. ISBN:9781841883403
Light on the Horizon, A Community Response to Relationship Abuse
This book tells the story of how small acts of compassion ignited an enduring community response to relationship abuse. Light on The Horizon charts the evolution of the charities Clare Haven Services and Haven Horizons. ISBN:9781739669409
Power and Control: Why Charming Men Can Make Dangerous Lovers
Sandra Horley CBE draws on almost four decades supporting abused women to provide an insight into the reality behind the mask of the charming man. The book’s aim is to show women they are not alone. ISBN:9781785041488
Responding To Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe
This book describes how countries within and outside the EU are responding to the problem in policy, practice and research. Eminent academics and professionals share their findings. ISBN:9781785922619
When Dad Hurts Mum: Helping Your Children Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse
This book is written by a counsellor who reveals how abusers interact with and manipulate children and how mothers can help their children recover from the trauma of witnessing abuse. ISBN:9780425200315
Violence Against Women: Current theory and practice in domestic abuse, sexual violence and exploitation
This book seeks to address issues surrounding violence against women, from its root causes to the specific needs arising in victims of abuse from a particular social or ethnic group. ISBN:9781849051323
Women, Violence & Strategies for Action
The book gathers together the ideas, discussions and developments arising from the work of the researchers and activists who are part of the British Sociological Association Violence Against Women Study Group. ISBN:9780335203697
Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice
This book aims to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the subject of domestic violence and its interaction with the criminal justice system. It looks at how these various agencies work together at a local level. ISBN:9781843928195