Catherine Lawler and Abigail Sterne
For effective and safe use, this book should be purchased alongside the professional guidebook. Both books can be purchased together as a set, Helping Children Learn About Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control: A Floss and the Boss Storybook and Professional Guide [9780367344511]. This beautifully illustrated and sensitively written storybook has been created to help young children understand about domestic abuse and coercive control. Floss is a happy little puppy who loves going to Doggy Daycare and playing with her best friend, Houdini. The story explores how things change when her Mum’s new friend, Boss, comes into their lives. It helps children who have experienced domestic abuse and trauma to make sense of their feelings, teaching them to seek help and stay safe.
ISBN: 9780367510794 (Routledge, 2020)