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Haven Horizons / TUS Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Abuse Research & Knowledge Centre

In 2018 Haven Horizons developed a collaborative partnership and a Memorandum of Understanding with the Technological University of Shannon (TUS) to establish a Research and Knowledge Centre.

Key Objectives of the DSGBA Research and Knowledge Centre:

  • Develop new accredited training modules 
  • Increase DSGBA resources for academics, students, practitioners and stakeholders 
  • Facilitate collaboration between academics, practitioners and policymakers 
  • Identify and address gaps in DSGBA research 
  • Promote collaborative research proposals and engaged research 
  • Bridge the evidence-practice gap that currently exists 
  • Accelerate knowledge transfer to inform policy, practice and legislation 
  • Reduce the incidence and impact of DSGBA in Irish society 
  • Establish a Virtual Community of Practice 
  • Support networking and knowledge sharing between researchers, academics, educators, survivors with experiential knowledge, students, frontline professionals, community groups, statutory agencies and other stakeholders 


We educate and inform people to understand what domestic abuse and coercive control are. We develop and deliver the highest quality training to advance professional development in the field. We support research and share resources. We identify gaps in the response to domestic abuse and coercive control in conjunction with partners.