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Haven Horizons: Vision

Haven Horizons is a national voluntary organisation dedicated to the elimination of domestic, sexual and gender-based abuse (DSGBA). Over the last decade Haven Horizons has identified key actions, collaborative projects and international models of best practice that have the power to revolutionise Ireland’s response to DSGBA at a systemic level. Haven Horizons has established a National Gender-based Violence Research and Knowledge Centre that drives our innovative workplan which offers solutions to the gaps identified by the Third National Strategy and the Istanbul Convention.  


  • A commitment to Zero Tolerance on violence and abuse against women and children 
  • Evidence-based research, survivors’ experiences and collective action 
  • The need to challenge and transform the societal attitudes, beliefs, behaviour and individual and organisational practices that tolerate and condone abuse and violence against women and girls.  
“Violence against women is always a violation of human rights; it is always a crime; and it is always unacceptable. Let us take this issue with the deadly seriousness that it deserves“.
Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Secretary General 


  • The National Women’s Council Ireland, (NWCI)
  • The National Observatory on Violence Against Women, (NOVAW)
  • The Association of Criminal Justice Research and Development, (ACJRD)
  • Public Participation Network (PPN) representative on the Clare Joint Policing Committee
  • Clare Local Area Network (CLAN)