Minute Change

Minute Change


 minute change logoA small gesture of unexpected kindness is at the core of Minute Change. At times life can be difficult for us all – our aim is to help someone out at least once a month.


Small random acts of kindness often transform someones whole outlook on life and can have far reaching effects on families and society.

Minute Change encourages a culture of ‘pass it on’ in whatever way is possible and this can often be just a smile or your time – it can also become something more tangible.

It might be…

  • a simple exchange of talents
  • giving away something that you no longer have use for
  • offering financial help
  • becoming a Corporate Champion

Every act of kindness creates a ripple – Never underestimate the power of creating a ripple and who or where it reaches.


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across
the waters to create many ripples.”
Mother Teresa


Frequently Asked Questions

[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=’How do you choose who to help?’ icon=” status=’close’]Our founder reads through the nominations each month and decides which person to help. The decision is approved by a small advisory group. We would love to be able to help as many people as possible and we hope our one act of kindness sparks a ripple effect that results in many more people being helped.[/ms_accordion_item] [ms_accordion_item title=’How do you know the people you help are genuine?’ icon=” status=’close’]Everyone is free to nominate or to help. Nominations can come from frontline professionals, such as social workers, health workers, teachers etc. We also accept nominations from the public – you are free to nominate. We are put in a place of trust and we do not take it lightly. We verify the information / nominations we receive as much as possible, via checks, documentation and references, to make sure our supporters can have confidence in offering help.[/ms_accordion_item] [ms_accordion_item title=’Who gets the Donations?’ icon=” status=’close’]100% of what you give to help someone will always go straight to that person. Our costs are covered by the generosity of others. We are currently looking for Corporate Champion Partners to cover administrative costs.[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion_item title=’When did Minute Change begin?’ icon=” status=’close’]Minute change was set up in 2016 by one of the founders of Clare Haven Services and Haven Horizons, when she saw how help and support at the right time could make lasting and meaningful changes to the lives of women and children.[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion_item title=’How can my company get involved as a Champion Partner?’ icon=” status=’close’]We can work with companies in a number of ways. We are always open to ideas, so feel free to get in touch[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion_item title=’How Can I Help?’ icon=” status=’close’]

If you would like to offer help or make a Meaningful Change send us an e-mail – havenhorizons@gmail.com and let us pass it on if you have any more questions , please feel free to contact us – havenhorizons@gmail.com


Join us and be part of sharing what we have.